Structural Guides

Click on the videos below to get practical tips about how to support the body’s structure.

Low Back (Lumbar, Sacrum, Pelvis)

Mid Back (Thoracic Spine & Ribs)

Neck (Cervical Spine)

Nutritional Guides

At our office, we are dedicated to helping each patient nutritionally. To help pinpoint the weak points in your physiology and nutrition we made symptom surveys or ‘quizzes’ to get some more data as to the root of your issues. Click on the buttons below to download the organ symptom quizzes.

Adrenal Health Series

Adrenal 101 -

What are the adrenals? What causes adrenal fatigue? What are 3 simple ways to test for their function?

Adrenal 102 -

Here are 11 simple lifestyle modifications to help heal your adrenal glands!

Emotional Guides

Stress is everywhere! Even the Journal of the American Medical Association published a research article finding that 80% of conditions have a stress cause. Take the quiz below to see how stress may be impacting your health.